Threat: Climate Change

Threat: Climate Change

Climate change-associated extreme weather events are affecting livelihoods, economies, and the environment, in turn exacerbating existing vulnerabilities in the region.

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Solar indoor light bottle

Solar indoor light bottle

Installing a light which, in the full sun, can provide up to 55 lumens of free light inside the home, or tool shed.

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Organic firewood - protecting the trees, and life.

Organic firewood - protecting the trees, and life.

Biomass briquettes, mostly made of green waste and other organic materials, are commonly used for electricity generation, heat, and cooking fuel. These compressed compounds contain various organic materials, including municipal solid waste, (your property) and agricultural waste.

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Big picture thoughts

Big picture thoughts

Survivalist-motivated home, farm and business invasions increase municipal income streams of property rates and sales of electricity; hurt our families and pets, and damages our property while destroying our economy and reducing VAT income generation opportunities, which the government needs to keep the lights on (if that was the intention) Are these points below actually our responsibility, or does our community-focused, inclusive, and stimulatory point of view, where "no one is left behind," require that we accept this responsibility? You just know the municipalities are killing jobs everywhere they can.

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Praying Medic

Praying Medic

The Praying Medic is a way of receiving healing without going to a doctor which, if you have been paying attention to the world around you, is the last thing you should be doing. All you need do is to listen, relax and receive the healing.

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Earthworms, and earthworm tea, are an important part of our green gardens. Through Vermiculture, we grow our own earthworms, and harness their powers in a bucket system, or grow to add to our soils. Benefits are many.

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