Recycling collections - dry property

Recycle with ease - dry property collections. Recyclable materials; Community Donations and Electrical Discards, having easily recoverable and measurable social, financial and environmental values, are technically classed as "Dry Property." It is now illegal to dump dry property, mixed with compostable or waste materials, in the wheelie bin. Ignorance of the Law is no defence!

Composting, and collections

Composting and waste collection. Reduce your waste and help the environment! It is now illegal to dump compostable materials mixed with dry property and/or waste property in the wheelie bin. Ignorance of the Law is no defence.

Grow your own - my urban farm table gardens using proven SFG systems

Grow organic veggies anytime, anywhere with SFG table gardens! Although the tables are limited to 1.2 x 1.4m, squares of 1.2 x 1.2m and/or 900 x 900mm raised beds and furrows/pits are also options we can provide, at a cost.